About us

Peace & Harmony Foundation Inc (DBA Istanbul Center & Atlantic Institute), a non-profit organization that through a wide range of activities brings together local community members from various ethnic and religious backgrounds to facilitate dialogue and bridge cultures within our families, neighborhoods, community, city, state, nation and globe.

We believe in the power of personal interaction and communicative dialogue as the best channels for building mutual understanding, trust, and harmony for a peaceful world.
The organization was established by followers of the “Hizmet Movement” who are inspired by the ideas and activism of M. Fethullah Gulen as well as thinkers and activists like Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela, Mevlana Rumi, Mother Teresa and all who emphasize the importance of understanding, acceptance, inclusiveness, justice and nonviolent peacebuilding in achieving the Beloved Community.

Our Vision

A more understanding and peaceful world.

Our Mission

Proactively help to solving educational, cultural, environmental, social and humanitarian issues and contributing to world peace by showcasing the experience of the “art of living together” via respect, embrace, dialogue, love, richness of faith and culture through service to others cultivated by “Hizmet Movement”.


A candle doesn’t lose its light, by enlightening another candle.

Mevlana Rumi


Building mutual understanding


Respect, embrace and dialogue


Art of living together


Trust, and harmony for a peaceful world